Thursday, January 12, 2012

Billeting - First Impressions

Games are finished and we line up to hand over our swap t-shirts and finally find out how we were to be billeted. The Clifton coach calls forward his players one by one, calling out the number of billets they would take. After each of these, Mr Skeen calls up the boy or boys who would be going with them.
I was left until the end, when a Clifton boy, John, came forward and said he was taking two, but could accommodate a third. The final three, Nick Godfrey, Max, and myself, went with him. We grabbed our suitcases and went to pile into their van.
From there we travelled through to their home, an impressive place behind a wall, like most of the more well-off neighbourhoods' houses. Their four dogs rushed out to meet us and we were introduced to their dogs and our new host family. We then were taken to our rooms and given a minute to settle in before dinner, a BBQ.


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